Hints & TipsHiveOS

HiveOS WiFi Connection Howto Guide

If you are dealing with crypto mining business and if you are using the easy-to-use and manageable HiveOS system, you may want to make the network connection over a wifi wireless network rather than a normal wired ethernet.

Of course, a wired network connection is highly recommended, but you may have to connect your existing rig(s) over your wireless network due to possible wiring and space issues.

Before we start I’d like inform you that you will need a linux compatible usb wifi adapter. And there are several ways to connect your HiveOS rig to the your wireless network.


Connect your USB stick to any computer that you have prepared for HiveOS and open up /network folder.

You will see a file named 30-wireless.network file in that folder. Open up that file for editing using Notepad, Wordpas, Notepadd++, etc.

File content will shown as following:




If you want to keep DHCP setting (suggested) you don’t need to change anything on this file. However if you want to assign a specific IP address to the rig you have to alter the file in [Network] part as following and save and close.




In next step you will see wifi.txt file in same folder. göreceksiniz. Open up that file and write your WiFi broadcast name at line WIFI_SSID and the wifi password in next line WIFI_PASSWORD

Save the file and close.

# If you need WiFi, then give SSID and password.
# NOTE: there is WiFi may not work for may reasons, you'd better use Ethernet.


Turn off the rig first then plug your WiFi USB adapter to your Rig and start the rig. Check the WiFi connection established. If no connection open a terminal screen and logon to system (if not changed logon= user/1)

In terminal screen write following command and then press enter.

  • SSID: your WiFi name
  • Password: your WiFi password

To check the WiFi connection browse below and find Cheching the WiFi connection section.


If above method didn’t work for you use this way. For this method you need to access to your rig console remotely or you may connect a keyboard and screen if you close to the rig.

Connect your WiFi adapter to the rig and perform following;

Either connect a keyboard and monitor to the rig and open a console terminal scree, or if you are connecting the rig over the same network and know the rig IP address (ie, or in HiveOS web panel select the rig and from menu select Remote Access > Shellinabox.

If you need to connect from remote location in HiveOS panel select Remote Access > Hive Shell Start

If you receive unsecure connection alert while opening the console screen over the browser select Advanced and continue.

  • In console screen logon user name will be user and password is 1 if you haven’t changed that.
  • We entered the console screen with root priviligies. Now write following command in command prompt and press anter..
  • SSID: your WiFi name
  • Password: your WiFi password

After that under the folder /etc/wpa_supplicant/ the file wpa_supplicant.conf will be created with the information we entered. Open this file and note the hash data information in psk= line. This is WPA_HASH value.

Then write following command to create wlan0 file in that folder.

touch /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0

In termina console screen write mc command to run Midnight Commander file manager tool and go to the /etc/network/interfaces.d/ folder and select wlan0 file and press F4 (edit) key. Alternatively you can use other linux editing tools (nano, etc) if you are familier with.

wlan0 file will be opened empty and write following in editor.

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid WIFI_SSID
wpa-psk WPA_HASH

Replace WIFI_SSID with your WiFi broadcast name.

Replace WPA_HASH with the value received from “psk=”  (/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf) dosyasından alabileceğimizi söylemiştik.

Save the file by pressing (F2) ain mc. Exit from editor.

Go to the upper folder and find the file interfaces and press F4 (edit) and check the content is the same as following.

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system                                                                         
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).                                                                          
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*                                                                                                            
# The loopback network interface                                                                                                              
auto lo                                                                                                                                       
iface lo inet loopback

Lastly write following command to restart your rig.

reboot -f


Checking the WiFi connection:

To check the WiFi connection on the rig connect to the rig terminal screen (shellinabox) as described above and write following command.


You should see your WiFi name after the SSSID: and connection quality as marked above.

If you don’t see WiFİ information reboot your rig once again and open a terminal screen and write following. (Replace WIFI_SSID with your WiFi name)

wifi connect WIFI_SSID

In case if you would like to disconnect WiFi connection write following command.

wifi disconnect



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