
3D Printer PID Tuning

Marlin Firmware

PID tuning refers to the parameters adjustment of a proportional-integral-derivative control algorithm used in most repraps 3D printers.

PID needs to have a P, I and D value defined to control the nozzle temperature. If the temperature ramps up quickly and slows as it approaches the target temperature, or if it swings by a few degrees either side of the target temperature, then the values are incorrect.


  • A 3D printer – computer or Octoprint connected. If you’re using Octoprint you don’t need additional gcode terminal application. Octopi has this feature.
  • gcode sender application. Some Slicer applications have this feature. If you don’t have any you can download free application for Windows and Mac.

Extruder PID calibration:

To run PID Autotune in Marlin and other firmwares, run the following gcode lines while your nozzle cold. This gcodes will heat the nozzle 210 degrees with 8 cycles while running extruder fan 100%.

M106 S255
M303 E0 S210 C8

After final cycle you will see something similar in your gcode terminal below.

Get Kp, Ki and Kd values and write following gcodes in terminal screen.

M301 P25.23 I1.92 D82.70

If you’re not allowed writing to EPROM (using M500) open your Marlin configuration.h file and find following lines (around line 390) and write your own 3D printer values and re-upload the Marlin firmware to the the printer.

#define DEFAULT_Kp 25.23
#define DEFAULT_Ki 1.92
#define DEFAULT_Kd 82.70

If you have multiple extruders in your 3D printer you have to repeat this procedure for other extruders as well. Same command but type E-1 fpr second extruder instead of E0.

Hotbed PID Calibration:

Run the following gcode line while your heatbed is cold.

M303 E-1 S60 C8

After the 8 times cycle of heating you will get similar results as you get for extruder calibration. Write Kp, Ki and Kd values with M304 command as shown below.

M304 Pxx Ixx Dxx

For detail

Thats all…

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